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Titel / AuteurBeschrijving
Until He Comes
Billy Humphry
Understanding the End-Time Prayer Movement

What is night and day prayer? Is there a biblical and historical precedent for intercessory worship? What is the significance of the timing of the current prayer movement that is sweeping the globe? How do our prayers make a difference in God's end-time plan?

Until He Comes addresses all of these questions while challenging readers to consider their own calling to prayer. This book will not only take you through the history of night and day prayer, it will give you understanding of God's plans for the church in this hour. If you are interested in understanding the global prayer movement. This book book will give you insight into this crucial aspect of God's end-time agenda.
Secrets of the Secret Place
Bob Sorge
This book has one central purpose: to fuel your passion for the secret place with God. Divided into 52 short chapters, it can serve as a companion to your devotional life.
Not only will this book help to defuse your personal struggles related to the secret place, it will also inspire you to the thrilling exhilaration of developing a personal connection with God. Your heart will be ignited with passion for Jesus, and you will profit from the practical advice on making it work.
Harp & Bowl Handbook I
(Mike Bickle)

Basic Handbook for Studying the Harp & Bowl model
Harp & Bowl Handbook II
(Mike Bickle)

Harp & Bowl Leaders Training
Harp & Bowl Handbook III
(Mike Bickle)

Biblical Prayer
End Times Simplified
David Sliker
Preparing Your Heart for the Coming Storm
Growing as a Prophetic Singer
Anna Blanc
Growing as a Prophetic Singer is a resource to equip prophetic singers and strengthen them in their calling. The book’s instructional approach is paired with personal experiences from Anna Blanc’s years as a prophetic singer and worship leader at the International House of Prayer. It addresses practical issues of the heart and offers instruction on how to grow vocally and how to develop in the Word. This informative, and approachable resource is for any singer or worship leader who is involved, or who desires to be involved, with a house of prayer or a church worship team.


Apostolische en Bijbelse GebedenEen overzicht van alle bijbelse gebeden gegroepeerd naar thema.
Harp & Bowl Training
Christiaan van den Berg
Werkmateriaal Training Harp & Bowl in het VEZ Huis van Gebed en Aanbidding (29 september 2015)
Zie video van de training onder Videos
Harp & Bowl Structuur
Christiaan van den Berg
Werkmateriaal Training Harp & Bowl in het VEZ Huis van Gebed en Aanbidding (29 september 2015)
How to Pray-Read the Word
Mike Bickle
Je kunt de Bijbel lezen maar je kunt de Bijbel ook bidden. Ontdek de diepte van het Woord door het te bid-lezen.
Prayers to Strengthen Your Inner Man
Mike Bickle
The most important part of our life is our inner man; therefore it really should be our main focus when praying for our personal life. God longs to bless our inner man with strength and might, but He is waiting for us to ask Him. This strength is essential for our hearts—it will help us to walk uprightly before the Lord and to stand against compromise.
In this booklet, I will share with you from two of my personal prayer lists that I have used over the years. They are practical tools to help you develop your own personal prayer life. In my experience, a prayer list is a simple tool that can help keep us focused in our prayer times. The first prayer
list covers ten prayers to receive strength in our inner man; the second one offers five small phrases that have helped me when talking with the Spirit. Additionally, I have added three prayer principles that I use to pray over the descriptions of Jesus that I find in the Bible.
The Rewards of Fasting
Mike Bickle
“Fasting.” The word alone can seem a bit overwhelming and the act completely unapproachable. However, as that slight shiver at the thought of fasting runs down your spine, I encourage you all the more to dive into the realities found within this book. There is truth to be had, and mysteries to be found within these pages. “The Rewards of Fasting” is a practical introduction to the glory found in something that has been lost in our time.
The Seven Longings of the Human Heart
Mike Bickle
There are inescapable cravings in the core of every human heart that cannot be ignored, denied or pacified: they must be satisfied. When we wake up in the morning, whether we realize it or not, we are being driven by innate desires that demand answers and refuse delay. These longings are inherent to us as human beings. We have longings, yearnings, placed deep within us by God, for the purpose of wooing us into His grace and presence. As we understand their origin in God, we begin to cooperate with these longings in accordance with His will. We find the answer to our longings in the One who put them in us. His master plan extends even into the realm of our emotions.
As in the days of Noah
Corey Stark
What are you building in preparation for the coming storm?
Openbaringen HSV
Met extra structuur
Het boek Openbaring is heel belangrijk voor een bidder. Wist je dat het boek veel gemakkelijker te begrijpen is wanneer de structuur van het boek duidelijk is? Maak jezelf bekend met de structuur in deze download.
Nehemia's Sta Op!
Gijsbert van Oeveren
In 2010 schreef Gijsbert van Oeveren dit document document, dat uiteindelijk leidde tot het ontstaan van het VEZ Huis van Gebed en Aanbidding.
Visie Huis van gebed in de VEZ

Naar aanleiding van de 24 uur van gebed met Goede Vrijdag 2012 is dit document opgesteld als een voorstel aan het leiderschap van de VEZ. Dit heeft geleid tot de start van het VEZ Huis van gebed en Aanbidding.


Video bij de Harp & Bowl Training van 24 november 2015

Harp & Bowl Training 31 maart 2016

Training gebruik van VideoPsalm bij HvGeA